Animal Success Stories
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Paula In October of 2022, I was approached by H2H to take a feral cat. They told me that she had been born outside by a Wawa and been there quite a while. She had gone through some trauma. I was told she was “caught” and taken to a foster home. Unfortunately, the foster home was not ideal, and they needed a new foster. It took a couple of weeks to firm up the plans. They never told me her name. When I finally asked. I was told it was “Paula”. I laughed very hard. I said yes and Paula came into my home. She had to stay in my spare room by herself. (I got her a night light) I was told AT LEAST a couple weeks. I laughed and said “yea, it will take me a day to socialize her”. Nope. It took Paula 3 weeks to come out from under the bed. She would definitely come out at night and eat but would not let me see her. I started to take it personally. Lol. She was in the spare room for about two months before she would venture out into the house. Very slowly, Paula started to let me at least see her. Then walk past her. Eventually, I could pet her, but NOT HER HEAD. Lol. I was slowly falling in love. My other two cats, Zoey and Ollie, were not thrilled, but they tolerated our new houseguest. Paula gradually learned how to trust and accept love. Paula taught me the beauty of patience, trust, and love. We had an opportunity to have her adopted out and I was ready to do the meet and greet when I just started to cry. I could not give Paula up. She had become such an important part of our home. Watching her go from a frightened, lonely, skittish cat to a little beauty who wouldn’t leave my side was such a thing of beauty. I am so happy Paula is now part of our home. She’s the best. Thank you, Hart 2 Heart. |