Domestic Short Hair / Tabby : : Male (neutered) Interested in adopting?
Like their name sakes from Lord of the Rings these seven-year-old adorable brothers Frodo and Precious are on quest to find a loving new home. As the fictional character Sam the Hobbit shows his devotion to his friend Frodo by saying ”I can’t carry it for you… but I can carry you” these real cats Frodo and Precious need someone with a big heart to show them that same selfless devotion. Precious enjoys playing with a mouse toy and will curl up around your legs while relaxing. He also adores being rubbed on his back and legs. Frodo does not need constant attention but will chill on the carpet happy to know his person is nearby. Both cats enjoy chasing each other and love playing with the laser toy. They do get along with other cats. If you crave some “Fellowship” with two deserving felines that you can call “my precious” and spoil them with a “second breakfast” then Frodo and Precious are the cat companions for you! Please apply to take them home today at More about FrodoGood with Cats, Timid Frodo must be adopted with his brother, Precious (available for adoption).
Frodo's brother, Precious (available for adoption) can also be seen on our website.
Other Pictures of Frodo (click to see larger version):