Dally's Web Page

Tuxedo  : :  Male

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About Dally

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Cat
  • General Color: Black and White
  • Current Age: 4 Years 11 Months (best estimate)


Eva and Dally are a bonded pair of brother and sister cats, just over a year old (late February/early March). Would do well in a quiet home where everything and everyone can move slow at least once a day. They've been around older dogs and a young child and did not have issues with either. Sometimes Eva is the braver one, scouting out something new and protecting Dally; sometimes it's Dally making sure his sister is alright. Either way they stick together like glue - if they're not curled up on each other, they're at least in the same room and will call for each other if they are separated too long.

Eva, the girl, is a tabby with gorgeous yellow-green eyes. She is very playful, loves the laser pointer and her tunnels and she even learned how to play fetch with small foam balls! She is the louder of the two: from letting you know you are a few minutes late for dinner to finding her brother when he's been hidden too long. Eva loves to sleep in the sun by herself or Dally. Neither one likes to be picked up very much, but Eva has no problem climbing into your lap for love and attention. She likes playing with her brother, batting her toys around or guarding the yard from pesky birds from behind the glass door or a windowsill.

Dally, the boy, is black and white with longer fur than his sister that shows a hint of red in the sun. Dally is a lover, always wanting to be close to his sister or a human snuggle buddy. If he's not flinging his little plastic spring toy around or trying desperately to catch that dark laser, he is where the people are. He likes to be up on top of things - be it a cat tree, kitchen stool or windowsill - to see as much as possible. All he needs is feathery toys to play with, yummy treats to eat and someone who will accept they're not moving once he sits next to them.

Eva has foam craft balls that she will fetch and play with. Dally has a collection of plastic springs he likes to bat around. They both really like feathers and the laser toys. They haven't shown a big interest in catnip but are treat motivated. Both have decent litter box manners - they recently upgraded to taller litter boxes (two total) to accommodate Dally loudly digging when the he feels the litter box is too full. The both seem to prefer dry over canned food but will eat both. Both have worn collars before but not regularly. Both like to find hiding spots but have only had a few instances of getting into an off limits place like inside a cupboard.

Eva and Dally are bonded.

Dally's sister, Eva (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Dally's sister, Eva (adopted) can also be seen on our website.

Other Pictures of Dally (click to see larger version):
